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I am teaching since the summer term 2010.


During my doctoral studies I was a tutor in several undergraduate economic courses, focusing on the fields of microeconomics and statistics.


During my postdoc stage I gradually started to be involved in more independent teaching, including seminars and lectures for both, undergraduate and graduate students focusing on the organizational and personnel economics subjects.

Twice I was serving as a stand-in-professor, namely at the University of Freiburg (Winter 2015/16) and at the University of Konstanz (Winter 2019/20). In both cases I was substituting the Chair of Organizational and Personnel Economics.

My teaching experience is both, in English and in German.

Here is the list of lectures, seminars and tutorials I was involved in:

:: Lectures: Personnel Economics I+II, Compensation and Benefits, Theory of the Firm, Strategic management, Organizational Behavior and Leadership, Quantitative Research Methods in Economics

:: Seminars: Economics of Culture and Art, Applied Spatial Econometrics, Social and Economic Networks

:: Tutorials: Principles of Economics, Microeconomics I, Macroeconomics I,     Statistics I + II, Organizational Economics, Public Finance

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